The divisive mood and behavior of our country is eroding the
very thing that is essential to our vitality: trust. We are near record lows on
measurements of ‘trust’ in many areas according to Gallup, Pew Research Centers
and others. Lack of trust in media, news and information sources. Lack of trust
in government. Lack of trust in institutions and each other.
We can identify with this in central Wisconsin. When economic crisis struck our community 17 years
ago, there was no clear path forward. The sense of loss – which included jobs
and a company headquarters - was palpable. The accompanying uncertainty, fear
and anxiety did not engender collaborative behaviors or trusting relationships.
In retrospect, trust is what we needed the most and it was in the shortest
supply. Not unlike what we are experiencing in our nation today.
Incourage began our trust building efforts in 2005. Our
goal: increase individual and collective action to rebuild a strong, local
economy in a community that works well for all people. We offered leadership
training programs that equipped residents with the skills, tools and knowledge
to build trusting relationships. We supported study tours that fostered
relationship development among participants, created shared knowledge and motivated
new thinking. We coordinated a civility initiative. We co-created norms and
collaborative guiding principles for community initiatives with partners and
vendors. We helped businesses identify shared value propositions and mutual
interests, and establish norms that guided their relationships with one
another. We invested in approaches that integrate adaptive skills into school
curriculum. We changed our own policies and practices for authenticity and
Incourage evaluated and applied what we learned through
these efforts to our organizational strategy, understanding that “building trust”
and “authentically engaging residents in shaping the future of their community”
was central to achieving our goal.
The Tribune Building embodies this learning. It is more than
a building. It represents a user-centered approach to growing a community – one
in which we trust, value and respect each other. We began by asking the
community a simple question: what do you want this building to be? This
question launched a multi-year process of engaging residents and helping them
gain confidence, skills to build trusting relationships and a sense of
ownership for the future of our community.
Incourage has learned a lot about listening, building trust
and the importance of user participation in community decision-making and
economic development strategies through the Tribune process. We’ve also learned
about and experienced the challenge of changing old practices.
Putting people at the center and building trust is not easy,
a quick fix or short-term work. It requires intentionality and long-term
commitment. We believe, however, it is “the work” that must be done if we are
to realize a sense of unity and shared purpose in our neighborhoods,
institutions, communities and nation.